Years of Regional Variety Trial data on Pulses all at the touch of a button.
A new app launched by the Alberta Pulse Growers Association in November has producers talking.

The RVT app allows farmers to access the association’s vast information bank on trials from across the province giving producers current yield, standability and disease resistance information relevant to their own farms, while they are on the go.
Jenn Walker is the Research Manager for APG.
She says it was made so producers would have access to it when they needed to make decisions.
”So that growers can look at averages and they can really drill down to a site location closest to them,” says Walker.
”So it made it a little more applicable at a local level, easy to read and accessible anywhere.”
She says now that it has been launched they plan to build on its success.

”We have a plan in place that allows to both push notifications, so we send out by-weekly emails that deal with agronomy issues, we can deal with marketing issues, so those are all accessible via the app, Our events and the events of our partner commissions, like FarmTech etc.”
Walker says they see this as a great extension tool.
“One of the things we are hoping to do is put out quick podcasts.”
Covering topics such as how farmers scout for diseases in their field.
“It gives us the opportunity as agronomists and professionals to put something out that a grower can watch from their sprayer. So kinda bringing agronomy information to everyone wherever they are.
APG says only data that meets industry standards will be used.
For more information on the app click here.