(Rural Roots Canada) – How much more success would your operation see if you could leverage data to help make farm management decisions.

We are speaking with Senior Product Owner Janelle Wells from FCC AgExpert about the importance of data in decision-making and the role AgExpert plays in that.

This podcast is brought to you by FCC AgExpert.
This comes as farms are seeing more key players, such as accountants, agronomists, and veterinarians, ask for digital records to help every operation with their needs more efficiently.

Being able to send your records to these experts with a click of a button instead of having to drive to town is also a substantial cost savings as gas and diesel prices continue to trend high.

LISTEN TO MORE: FCC AgExpert: Online Farm Record Security and Developing a Network

It also gives allows producers to make more informed decisions at the moment.

The FCC AgExpert management software is a tool that can do all of these things for you and your operation.