(Growing the Future Podcast) – When farming meets good business practices, the result is a highly successful and sustainable business for generations to come.

In this episode of GTP, Terry and his sidekick, Holden, Terry’s son, have a chat with Heather Watson, Executive Director at Farm Management Canada ( “FMC”), and Jorg Zimmermann, Chief Operations Officer at Farm Business Management at FMC to talk about FMC’s mission to provide farmers leading-edge resources, information, and tools to support farm business success and talk about the importance of implementing strong business practices in farming.

WATCH MORE: Growing the Future Podcast: Les Henry

In this episode, you will learn:

The importance of introducing good business practices to grow and be profitable in farming.
FMC’s holistic approach to the farming business creates a healthy and sustainable work environment for farmers.
How to make the business side of farming “sexier.”
Why management gives farmers a bigger competitive edge than any other factor in farming.
The importance of setting financial and management goals.

Find more information about FMC here: https://fmc-gac.com/



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