Alberta Farm Animal Care’s annual Livestock Care Conference is set to get underway.
The theme of this year’s conference, which is taking place at the Pomeroy Inn in Olds, on Wednesday and Thursday, is Partners in Progress: Tools for Success.
Dr. Rebecca Gimenez is the keynote speaker of this year’s conference. She will be speaking on technical large animal emergency rescue. Gimenez published the first book on Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue in 2008.
Gimenez will also be conducting an introductory course on TLAER leading into the conference.
Students of animal care and welfare will once again be a huge piece of the two day event as they will be participating in the Meet the Experts session, which is sponsored by Farm Credit Canada. They will also be taking in the entire conference.
Rural Roots Canada is a proud sponsor of Becky Taylor, who is speaking alongside Sage Pullen McIntosh on navigating tough conversations in animal welfare.
Pullen McIntosh’s speech is sponsored by Cole’s Ag Comms.
Amongst the other subjects to be covered during the event is a Feedlot Assessment Tool and Poultry Behaviour and Lighting.
For more on the speakers click here.
For the complete agenda click here.