(Fireside Chats with Erin) In this episode of “Fireside Chats with Erin” is the third and final episode in our series of conversations with ag sector visionaries, Robynne Anderson.

Robynne Anderson brings her unique perspective, based on her work with the United Nations, to Canadian issues related to consumer trends, international trade, and even the proposed Responsible Grain Code of Practice.

WATCH MORE: Fireside Chats with Erin – Episode 17: All three Canadian Grain Commission’s Commissioners


Grain Growers of Canada is the National Voice of Grain Farmers from coast to coast. Representing over 65,000 farmers through our 15 national, regional and provincial grower groups, GGC members are trade oriented, sustainable, and innovative. As the farmer-driven association for the grains industry, GGC advocates for the federal government to take decisions that support the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada.

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