Genome Canada in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has recently launched the 2018 Large-Scale Applied Research Project Competition: Genomics Solutions for Agriculture, Agri-Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture (2018 LSARP).

This funding competition aims to support projects that will use genomics to advance the sustainability, productive capacity, and competitive position of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food & fisheries and aquaculture sectors, and thereby strengthen Canada’s economy and the wellbeing of Canadians. There is approximately $30 million available through Genome Canada, and up to $16 million from AAFC. Successful projects can receive up to $4 million from Genome Canada, and $3 million from AAFC over a maximum of four years, with a 1:1 co-funding ratio to Genome Canada’s contribution.

More information about the Request for Applications can be found on Genome Alberta’s website.

When seeking funding, researchers are encouraged to refer to the priorities and target research outcomes in the Canadian Beef Research and Technology Transfer Strategy.

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Source: Latest from Beef Cattle Research Council