After building strong roots in its first year and a half in existence, the Barley Council of Canada is looking forward to pushing on to bigger things in 2015.
Alberta Barley Director Jason Lenz, who sits on the council, says they will be continue to work on trade policy, particularly in the area of market access.
“With these new trade agreements we have been working on and have been put in place both the Canada – Korea Free Trade Agreement and the Canadian European Trade Agreement it has real potential for the barley industry at the same time it’s going to help probably create more demand for barley down the road because it is going to help our livestock industry as well our feeding industry both on the pork side and on the beef side,” said Lenz.
Lenz says they will also be a big part in helping define and create more sustainable crops.
“It’s really about developing what the sustainability standards are going to be for crops in the years to come and BCC has a big role in that both Canadian Round Table for Sustainable Beef as well for crops.”
He says they also look to continue to build on the tremendously successful GoBarley campaign.
“We’ve done a real thorough job on food barley and we’re going to expand that this year into more on beer and malting side and doing a little more promotion of Canadian barley in the brewing industry.”
The Barley Council of Canada will hold its AGM on February 11th at the Deerfoot Inn and Casino in Calgary.