Calgary (Rural Roots Canada) – Farmers from Zimbabwe, Australia and Ireland toured southern Alberta as part of the Nuffield Agricultural Scholarship program in June.

Canada was just one of the stops for the group on a tour that also included stops in Singapore, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States as part of Nuffield’s Global Focus Program.

Ranga Huruba, who works in a sanctuary in Zimbabwe where they have integrated cattle with elephants, leopards and many other central African animals, says he is looking at ways to build resilient farming systems.

“We’re trying to put food on people’s tables and we’re trying to encourage people to grow their own food and to use what they have to produce something.”

READ MORE: Nuffield study looks into beef traceability

Dairy farmer Bruce Thompson, from Ireland, says he has been impressed with the management of farms in Canada.

“People management is pretty good here as are people’s attitudes towards making the best use of resources.”

Steve Larocque, a past Nuffield Canada Scholar, led the tour.

He says was a packed few days touring in southern Alberta.

“We’ve taken them to cow-calf operations, feedlot operations, greenhouses, vertically-integrated businesses where people are value adding inside their business, where they’re partnering outside of the traditional farming unit. So, I’m showing them a little flavour of some really great farms and farm families.”

To see a complete list of the 2022 scholars from Canada click here.



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